Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Aerial Views of Kernersville

 Hello there Kernersville lovers. For those of you who viewed my last blog, thank you and sorry if it was boring. I have learned some new skills at UNC-Greensboro, and now I got a better sense of how to explain to you the potential that Kernersville may soon become Kerners City, so to speak. I used Google Earth to compare the western region of Kernersville from three different years; 1993, 1999, and the current year, 2012. I will start with the 1993 image below.
Kernersville NC, 1993.
Eastern Kernersville. Two of the main shopping centers were located here. Keep note of the fields to the west.
Western Kernersville main shopping center. Keep note of the west land as well.
Kernersville, NC, 1999.
Eastern Part of Kernersville. Not much change. Note the western fields I told you about. Notice how there is development starting.

Western Part of Kernersville. You can see how much development occured over the six years. The southern part, just below the shopping center that was shown before was built quickly. This is a sign of how rapid the towns population has grown.

Kernersville NC, 2012. You can see how different and grown Kernersville has gotten over the 19 years.
Eastern Part of Kernersville, NC 2012. Notice how the western part has grown. The fields have been replaced with buildings, which are currently used as businesses such as denistry, restaurants, insurance companies, etc.
Western Part of Kernersville. This is where it's all at. Notice how much it has grown. Businesses, such as Walmart, Kohls and Lowes Hardware, are current corrporations that have been striving off the population increase.
Over the past 19 years, Kernersville has grown from a small, rural town to what seems like a pretty large, more urban town. Increase in population of course is why. More and more people are living in Kernersville because of the short drive to Winston- Salem, High Point, and Greensboro, and the fact that Kernersville has more businesses. If Kernersville continues to grow as it has, then in another 20 years, we may see a town transform into a city just before our eyes. I believe it has the potential, especially since I only went over the Western part of Kernersville. There is still Eastern Kernersville, on highway 66, the north eastern piney grove area, and the center, historical distric of Kernersville. Kernersville has all the parts to become a city. Only time will tell.
Til next time,
This is Jacob Place, see ya next time.